Scheduling your initial visit

Dr. Brody is now accepting new virtual naturopathic patients. She is taking limited new acupuncture appointments with priority going to people who are receiving naturopathic care from her as well.

To schedule your initial visit, or if you have additional questions after reading the FAQ on our website, please call the office at 503-977-0500. Our hours are listed on our contact page.

When you call we'll get your basic information to get you set up in our system and Dr. Brody will reach out to you directly by email to get scheduled. If you prefer to get set up through our secure portal we can have you register first.

Scheduling follow up visits

Please message Dr. Brody directly through your patient portal in ChARM to get your follow up visits scheduled. If you are not currently registered for our portal, please email the office at We can get you set up and connect you with Dr. Brody to schedule.

Filling out forms

All new patients MUST fill out forms inside our new patient portal at least 5 days ahead of your initial appointment unless other arrangements have been made.

Additionally, for naturopathic appointments, if at all possible, please upload copies of any labs you have had done in the last 3 years to a message inside the portal once you get your PHR set up. If you do not have a copy you can click on the release of records button below, download the form, fill it out, and mail or fax it to your physician/s at least two weeks ahead of your visit with us.

A few last notes:

  • You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the content of the Consent to Treat or any of our other policies at your visit.
  • The forms are in PDF format. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader if you are having trouble viewing them.
  • We are aware the forms are lengthy but it allows us to get the information we need to treat you holistically yet still focus on your current concerns at your initial appointment.
  • We look forward to working with you!